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16 Days of Activism 2021

Theme: "Domestic Violence and the World of Work"


The Campaign is focusing on the link between domestic violence (DV) and the world of work. DV disproportionately impacts women, has increased markedly. 


The UN defines domestic violence as a “pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control.” This abuse can be emotional, psychological, financial, physical, sexual, or stalking.

The increase in domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted women in the world of work as it has become a major barrier to women’s participation in the world of work. This makes it more important than ever to prevent and develop adequate policies and institutional responses to domestic violence in all spheres.


According to the WHO, COVID-19 has increased the risk of domestic violence against women as lock downs reduced the chances of support or escape. Social distancing added to the isolation imposed by abusers, and stress and anxiety from the pandemic may have caused abusers to feel they have less control and thus trigger violence to give back that sense of power among others.  



DAY 3 - End Girl Child Marriage

DAY 2 - Believe Survivors

DAY 4 - Domestic Violence is a workplace issue

DAY 5 - Intimate Partner Violence

DAY 7  - Support the 16 Days of Activism

DAY 6 - Signs of abusive partner

DAY 8 - GBV Support centres in Nigeria

DAY 9 - Effect of Domestic Violence in the Workplace

DAY 11 - Why Women stay in abusive relationships

DAY 10 - Workplace Risk Assessments

DAY 12 - Economic cost of domestic violence against women

DAY 13 - Health effects of domestic violence against women

DAY 15 - how culture influences domestic violence

DAY 14 - Effect of domestic violence on domestic workers

DAY 16 - Internal Human Rights Day!

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